Very funny! This Japanese Robot Is Smart at Sorting Noodles


When you have to do repetitive work, having a robot can certainly be very helpful. This will also minimize the occurrence of errors when humans are exhausted. Well, this one robot has the expertise to sort noodles.

Reporting from Ubergizmo, in Japan there is a robotics company called RT that is developing a new robot called Foodly. Its job is to sort the noodles automatically.

It does this by embedding an image recognition system in the robot itself, which can be used to capture and identify food placed in front of it.

The robot then sorts the noodles using a fork-shaped hand, then places them on a conveyor belt. The belt itself has a built-in scale so it can detect the exact amount of noodles placed on it.

The idea behind the creation of Foodly was that the company hoped to benefit small companies that might be understaffed and need a way to increase their production. What do you think? Cool and funny huh!

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