Elon Musk Admits He's 'Move On' Bill Gates mocks


Not Elon Musk if not for fun. After making fun of Bill Gates, Elon Musk finally tweeted again with the content "move on" from the Microsoft Founder. If previously Elon Musk even paired a photo of Bill Gates with an emoji of a person with short hair with a bulging belly, this time Musk wants to stop mocking him.

In addition to mocking Bill Gates's distended stomach, Musk also voiced his reluctance to work with Gates on climate change issues. All because Gates may have shorted the Tesla company.

In simple terms, shorting or short selling is a stock sale transaction where the investor does not own the shares to make the transaction. Short selling itself is prohibited in order to maintain the continuity of the market so that it remains conducive in the midst of global capital market conditions and the Indonesian capital market which is under pressure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is interesting for netizens is that Elon Musk himself actually has a problem that he should be able to ponder over instead of mocking Bill Gates. The problem that arises is when he wants to buy more Twitter shares. Currently he already holds a 9.2% stake -- the largest outside Twitter.

There have been many criticisms from workers on Twitter, but Twitter officials said they were considering this further.

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