Russia Ends ISS Cooperation Starting 2024 To Build Own Space Station


Tensions between Russia and Western countries peaked after they invaded Ukraine last February. Various technological and trade sanctions were imposed on Russia to force them to stop the attacks but so far they have failed. Due to the various sanctions imposed, Russia has confirmed that they will not continue cooperation in managing the International Space Station (ISS) after the agreement expires in 2024.

The Russian space agency ROSCOSMOS will instead focus on building their own space station after that date. Russia's ISS module is essential for daily operations because it contains a rocket system that pushes it back into orbit once a month.

Russia will take the same step as China who just managed to connect two modules of their Tiangong space station this week. Technology developed by Russia is used by China for their needs. Therefore it is not impossible for Russia to do the same.

In 2030 ISS space station operations will be stopped and in 2031 it will be buried in the Pacific Ocean. An area named Point Nemo will be where the remains of the ISS are buried after it is deorbited by remote control. There is no issue of danger to the inhabitants of the earth because Point Nemo is located 2687 km from populated areas.

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