Beginning July 29, YouTube will no longer allow all channel accounts on its platform to hide the number of subscribers they have.
The move is part of YouTube's effort to combat cloning or impersonation of top creators on YouTube, which is currently a complaint for many creators.
Because many of these clone accounts deliberately leave comments on a popular video to invite other users to visit their channel. This will of course confuse some people whether the account was originally created by the real creator or not.
YouTube acknowledges that some creators prefer to hide their subscriber numbers when they are building their platform. However, YouTube is confident that this move will make everything safer for everyone.
In the future, YouTube will provide new tools that allow creators to automatically hold comments for moderation before they are posted for everyone to see.
Updates to YouTube's automatic moderation give creators the option to increase the intensity. Tightening comment moderation will improve the detection settings for potentially inappropriate comments and spam.
Users can restrict incoming comments by logging in to Creator Studio and selecting 'Settings'. Then select Communities, then Default.
Check the box labeled 'hold comments that are potentially inappropriate for review', then select 'increase severity.'
Once this new feature is enabled, more spam and requests will be automatically filtered under the 'on hold for review' tab. From there, the channel can delete comments or post them publicly.
Meanwhile for fake channels that use special characters to pretend to be more popular content creators, they can no longer take refuge behind such a strategy.
YouTube says it will reduce the character set that people can use when updating channel names. It is said that these imitators will not be able to change their name to "¥ ouⓉube" or the like after such a change.