Here's How to Buy Easy and Cheap Data Packages at Shopee

 Internet connection has become a necessity for everyone today, be it teenagers to adults. Not only office workers who need internet while working, school students also need internet quota to study online. Not to mention those who do business online, they must buy massive data packages every month to upload various products on the marketplace.

Then, is there a place to buy a data package easily, quickly, and cheaply? Yes, you can buy data and credit packages at Shopee. Shopee is an online shopping platform for all your needs. Curious about how to buy a data package here? Well, here are the steps on how to buy a data package on Shopee.

1. Download the Shopee App

The first thing you have to do first is download the Shopee app on the Google Play Store or App Store. Then please register a Shopee account by writing your e-mail address or mobile number and a secure password. Shopee will then send you a link or activation code via e-mail or the phone number you wrote down. After clicking the activation link, you can immediately have a Shopee account, very easy and fast isn't it.

2. Buy Data Packages Easily Through the Credit, Bills & Tickets Menu

On the first page of your Shopee account, you will find a menu of credit, bills and tickets. You just click the button and you will be directed to the credit and data package purchase page. Then select the data package purchase menu.

On the data package purchase page, please enter the mobile number where you will fill the data package. For example, buying a Telkomsel package. Not only your own phone number, you can also buy data packages for your family and friends regardless of the type of operator. You just need to choose the most suitable package and then make payments through the various payment channels offered, for example using ShopeePay and ShopeePay later. The data plan will then be activated immediately on your phone.


3. Purchase the Complete Data Package

One of the tips that you can apply to get a data package at a low price is to buy the most complete data package with a long period of time. For example, you can buy a data package that is bundled with a phone and SMS package with a period of 30 days. Usually this type of data package is much cheaper than buying a package individually, especially if there is a discount promo and cashback of up to 50%.

You can also choose a data package that offers double quota or double quota. For example, if you buy a 6 GB data package, you will get a 2 GB quota bonus. Therefore, check carefully the various packages offered.

4. Buy Data Packages As Needed

Although a complete data package with a long period of time is the favorite of many people, you can also buy a data package that suits your needs. If you need an internet package in the short term, you can choose an internet package that is only active between 1 day, 5 days, or even 7 days. Usually, this type of package is often purchased by people who already have a wifi connection at home or at the office, and only need internet quota when traveling.

Another recommended internet data package that you can use when healing or when your budget is limited is the internet quota which is reserved for chat applications and social media only. This type of quota usually only gives access to chat applications such as WhatsApp and Instagram. For those of you who like to watch, internet data packages are also available to watch live stream videos, such as YouTube and MAXstream.

5. Keep Proof of Transaction

After purchasing the internet data package, you will get transaction proof information sent via e-mail or you can download it directly through the application. Please keep the proof of this transaction carefully, because if the data package you purchased has not yet entered your cellphone, then you can ask it directly to Shopee by including proof of payment. However, this problem is very rare because the e-commerce internet data package purchase system is very sophisticated, safe, and easy to use.

Not only convenience in buying all operator data packages, Shopee also provides various other interesting promos, you know. You can enjoy various free shipping, discounts, cashback, and other interesting promos. So, buy a data package and your various needs at Shopee right away!

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