Last week the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) began to block some online services and sites that did not obtain the PSE permit that allows them to operate in the country. Among those affected are Steam and Epic Games, which at the time this article was written were still blocked from accessing.
Yesterday Cominfo Director General Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan apologized to gamers for blocking Steam. According to him, steps need to be taken to meet the requirements of national law. He, who also claims to be a gamer, said that Steam, for example, has already indicated that it will apply for the necessary permits. Immediately after this is done, the ban on Steam will be lifted.
At the same time, Kominfo has granted temporary access for five days to Paypal to allow Indonesians to transfer their stored funds before they are blocked again if they do not apply for a PSE permit.