Samsung Shows Prototype Foldable Screen That's Thinner Than Fold4


We reported a few days ago that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 will have a new folding mechanism to create a thinner device. The hinge is updated with a screen that no longer has noticeable creases.

The Never website reports that a prototype of this new, thinner foldable screen device has already been shown during the CES event that just ended last week. A significant difference in thickness can be seen between the Galaxy Z Fold4 and this prototype.

At a glance it is similar to Magic Vs and Mi Fold which first uses a hinge mechanism that folds the screen into a water drop shape to allow a thinner design to be used.

Samsung has to use this new design since since the previous four versions of the Fold, it is still not as thin as it is and has a significant fold effect issue on the internal screen.

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