Google SynthID Wants to Simplify the Process of Identifying AI-Generated Images

 The main problem with social media these days is the spread of images that have been manipulated to successfully deceive the public. For example, the Image of Pope Francis wearing a Balenciaga sweater last year managed to trick millions of users who didn't realize it was generated by Midjourney. Google wants to simplify the process of identifying images generated by generative artificial intelligence (AI) by introducing SynthID.

SynthID is a digital watermark embedded into an image generated by generative AI. The human eye cannot see watermarks unlike the visible watermarks used by Shutterstock or Getty for example. But the software can detect it and can give an authentic answer it is generated by generative AI.

Currently SynthID is given to a number of Vertex AI users who generate images through Google Imagen. The SynthID is still retained on the image even after it has been cropped, manipulated or applied a filter using image editing software. Previously, Google expressed its intention to give special labels to images generated by AI through Google Search.

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