Porsche And Aston Martin Showcase Apple CarPlay Interface

 Last year Apple showed the CarPlay interface that took over the entire dashboard of vehicles that supported it. It is a paradigm shift to the CarPlay system which has only taken up one small screen on the vehicle's infotainment system. For owners of Porsche and Aston Martin vehicles, these two companies have shown the implementation of the CarPlay interface on their future vehicles.

On Porsche, the CarPlay interface used is more cheerful, modern and displays various information simultaneously. At Aston Martin, a more conservative design and not so much information is shown on the dashboard is used. As Apple previously announced, what to display and how widgets to be arranged rests in the hands of the user as well as the manufacturer.

The new CarPlay will roll out widely across several major automakers next year. While Porsche and Aston Martin want to offer CarPlay across the board, General Motors and BMW are taking a different step and won't support it. It is in the hands of the user whether the steps taken are correct or not.

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