2023 Confirmed Hottest Year Since Temperatures Were Recorded


The year 2023 has been confirmed by scientists from the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service as the hottest year since temperatures began to be recorded. In 2023, there will be six months that break the highest temperature record. The average world temperature last year was 1.46 ºC warmer than the pre-industrial temperature (1850-1900) spread over the earth's surface.

The world's average temperature has been 1.5 ºC higher every day since September 6 than pre-industrial. The report was published in early December before 2023 ended but enough data was collected to crown it as the hottest year ever.

The announcement by Copernicus is not surprising because last July the hottest average temperature record was recorded using data from the Japan Meteorological Agency which is consistent with data from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Copernicus.

Climate change has already caused the destruction of habitats and the threat of extinction to the earth's flora and fauna. For humans, it causes more and more extraordinary natural disasters. Data from Copernicus shows the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement target of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 ºC may face failure. The pandemic is slowing the rise in global temperatures but it is only temporary.

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