Police: Fraud Cases On WhatsApp And Telegram Last Year Involved Losses Of RM2.5 Million


A total of RM2.5 million in losses was recorded in 2023 linked to fraud cases on social applications. The number covers as many as 494 cases involving cases of impersonation as a contact through social applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook. In fact, the same sharing also shows as many as 50 cases that have been recorded with losses of more than RM200K until last week, which is January 20, 2024.

The figure is based on a report issued by the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (JSJK), Royal Malaysian Police through an update dated 21 January 2024 which was uploaded through the official Facebook. He said the modus operandi used was to hack into the victim's telegram/whatsapp account, then contact the list of friends in the contacts to borrow money.

Victims are said to only realize this when their social application accounts are inaccessible. Accordingly, PDRM advises the public to be more careful not to deal through these fake messages, while also stressing them to check by contacting the contact for verification purposes.

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