Grok Can Be Accessed By All Premium X Customers This Week

Grok's artificial intelligence (AI) is X's (formerly Twitter) answer to chatbots like Copilot and ChatGPT. But to access it you need to subscribe to X Premium+ with a fee of RM70 per month which is more expensive compared to RM35 for X Premium subscription.

Later this week, Grok will be enabled for all premium subscribers (not just premium+)

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 26, 2024

Elon Musk this morning announced this weekend, Grok will also be given to X Premium customers in stages including in Malaysia. The move to give access to all X Premium customers is somewhat surprising as it is seen as one of X's ways of generating revenue.

Compared to ChatGPT, the answers given by Grok are more relaxed and less serious. With ChatGPT having higher capabilities and being accessible for free, charging for Grok may be less profitable. Grok is therefore given as a trial run before returning to a paid system in the future.

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