Two months ago, we reported that WhatsApp was testing a feature to pin events in the WhatsApp Group community. Recently, TheSPAndroid discovered more details that this feature is not limited to groups within the community only but individual groups can also use it. More interestingly, creating events on WhatsApp is like using Google Calendar.
First users can edit event details at any time. In the event, the user can also put the title, date, time, type of call whether video or voice call, include location, event details and also directly integrate the WhatsApp Call link. All events created can then be viewed in the WhatsApp Group details.
As with any calendar application, users can also give feedback whether they want to join the event or not. A notification notification that the event is about to start will also be displayed in the chat window. Events can also be canceled depending on the organizer. It's just that for now it's not clear whether all group members can create events or just administrators. Let's all look forward to the presence of this feature soon. If it is offered early, the Hari Raya group event will definitely be filled in the WhatsApp Group of family and friends.