MySejahtera Adds MyTRIP Support – Speeding Up the Immigration Check Process at the Country's Entrance

The MySejahtera application is now updated with the latest support called myTRIP (Malaysian Travel Identification Pass). Through it, it makes it easier for users by displaying a QR code at the entrance of the country, as well as speeding up the immigration inspection process. For now, this support is available at immigration checkpoints at the Sultan Abu Bakar Complex in Johor.

Through MyTRIP, users only need to link the passport by scanning it on the MySejahtera application, and then simply display the MyTRIP QR at the country's entrance. Users can also check the status of the country's entry pass, in addition to looking at the travel log directly through MyTRIP on MySejahtera.

It was informed that MyTRIP is only open to Malaysian citizens for now, and it will be extended to non-citizens in stages after this. Users are also required to still carry their passports as usual even when using MyTRIP.

MyTRIP chose to use MySejahtera because of MySejahtera's extensive user base, in addition to previous cooperation during Covid-19 to cross regions. The use of existing infrastructure further saves costs, and speeds up system development.

For those of you who cross the national border at the Sultan Abu Bakar Complex in Johor, you can try using MyTRIP today.

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