Facebook Wants to Target More Young Users – Will Recommend AI-Based Feed Sharing

Facebook today shared their goals in the development of the next phase of the social site. As many are aware, the services used by more than 3 billion users are often associated with older users, on the other hand, other platforms are more popular with young and teenage users.

In parallel, Facebook has now stated that it will further increase the platform's focus on young users. These steps include discovering new content through Reels, sharing interests through Facebook Groups, discovering various local businesses and communities, finding friends through Facebook Dating, and even shopping through Facebook Marketplace. These products are expected to receive a higher focus than before, at the same time making it easier for young users to focus.

At the same time, Facebook also shared that it will use artificial intelligence to display a variety of interest-based content on the user's Feed. This will at once lead to a change from the previous Feed display which focuses on the friends we follow.

Facebook aims to have the best content recommendation technology in the world by 2026, used in displaying content on Feeds as well as Reels. Don't miss video sharing through Facebook, including in terms of Reel videos, long videos, and even live broadcasts on the platform.

With these various changes and new focus, Facebook wants to make it easier to find new partnerships on their platform, as well as attract more young and teenage users to use the platform.

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