5 Tips For Cell Phones Not Lag

In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, smartphones were needed in activities ranging from school to work. Therefore, the performance of mobile phones must be taken care of to remain excellent and not to be left behind.

Here are tips to keep your cell phone from lagging:

1. Diligently clean files

The first thing is to clean up useless files on a regular basis.

Sometimes a lot of files are useless, you can click on Google Files and have a clear cache. Sometimes you don’t realize that there is digital garbage that is unused and takes up space, even if you have used an additional memory card

2. Leave 30% of internal capacity

Well, next is the most often forgotten thing. Always leave an internal capacity of 30% to streamline the operating system (OS) so as not to interfere. Don’t forget to always update available software and applications.

3. Make sure there is enough RAM

Make sure there is also enough RAM. It is best to install the application you want to run, clean the RAM that we do not use.

4. Store data in the Cloud

Files still full on mobile? Store data in the cloud. Google Drive itself provides up to 15 GB of free space. Cloud subscriptions can also be used to get more storage space.

5. Charge the HP battery, don't wait for 0%

The most important thing is to take care of the health of your smartphone battery.

Sometimes there is a misunderstanding so you have to turn off your cell phone to the maximum or wait for 0%. Immediately fill when it is 20% or 10% because awakening the cell requires a lot of energy. If not, this will eventually be a problem, for example the cell phone is turned on. long, long content. Get used to a 10% charged battery.
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