Tips to seduce girls on Tinder, guaranteed success

When you want to find a partner or partners in an online dating app, like Tinder, you may feel awkward when trying to get started.

Some even feel ‘scared’ to chat with a potential partner. But, you don’t have to worry as long as you stay and respect your competition.

Well, for those of you who want to ‘seduce’ girls through chat, Tinder gives you some tips so you can chat casually on Tinder.

As a first step, you should make your match comfortable. Show that you understand the dating culture and can make them feel safe.

Try to see from your point of view about the things that will make them comfortable. For example, if you want a live appointment or a date in real life (IRL), ask him to meet in a public place.

Take a look at the profile or bio. Usually the photos and bio on someone’s profile have a lot of clues and can help you understand your favorite contest better.

Here's an example you might find in their bio, "A cup of ice cafe latte plus an interesting topic to discuss."

From this article, you already know that chances are your partner loves coffee and loves hanging out at the coffee shop. But, before swiping to the right (interested in someone’s profile), remember to always check the blue check mark on their profile.

You can also search for topics after viewing photos from your matches. Ask them about their special trip or concert experience and who their favorite group is.

Don't forget to post photos of different places and activities on your profile. It’s a bit hard to start a conversation if your photo is just a selfie.

"If you see a bio, you love watching, don't you?" or "Wow, do you like traveling? Where are you?" Yes, you can start this way.

For hockey, your match is filled in Prompt so you have more chances to get an opener from a girl. Or, maybe if you want the girl to chat first, you can also fill out the Prompt.

To be noted, Prompt encourages users to answer complete questions or sentences to show their personality with better answers.

"Hi, Hello, Hello, Hi or Hi is a boring greeting. There are many other ways to get to know someone more deeply. For example, try asking them where they've been cycling or their favorite food.

Now, having successfully started the conversation, you can try the next step.

Try to give compliments without having to mention your physicality. Avoid compliments like, ‘You have a beautiful smile’ or ‘You’re hot, aren’t you!’.

Compliments like this are polite. If you want to know your match better, try asking for his suggestions or opinions on something. Who doesn't like to hear their opinions?

Flirting with respect is the most appropriate way. Girls will be more impressed if you send pictures of cute cats.

Think of it in a funny, light and fun way, don’t be too straight forward.

Don’t ask for a date, it’s a good idea to wait until you trust each other so it’s unlikely to be rejected.

You also need to be more confident and specific. One direction, maybe something like this: "I've long wanted to hang out in an outdoor cafe. For example, this weekend you're not busy, want to join or not?"

All right, try to see their reaction. If for example your contest says ‘yes’ or suggests another time, that’s a good sign. But if for example he disagrees, it means you have to be more patient or have to look for something else.

There is really no right or wrong way to talk to girls on Tinder, but it must be based on respect. 
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