10 Hardest Sports Based on Science, First Place is ...


The Tokyo 2020 Olympics made many people excited to watch sports competitions and there are scientists who are researching the toughest sports based on science. Who can guess the toughest sport in the world according to scientists?
As shared by ESPN, those who made this list are a group made up of sports scientists on the U.S. Olympic Committee, academics studying muscle and movement science, two -star athletes in sports, and professional sports journalists. Not casually, there are categories used to measure difficulty levels - although certainly any sport should not be underestimated.

Here are the key points in determining the toughest sport in the world:

Resilience: The ability to continue to perform a skill or action for an extended period of time

Strength: The ability to generate power

Power: The ability to generate power in the shortest possible time

Speed: The ability to move quickly

Agility: Ability to change direction quickly

Flexibility: The ability to stretch a joint in a variety of movements

Nerves: The ability to overcome fear

Resilience: The ability to withstand corporal punishment for long periods of time

Hand-eye coordination: The ability to respond quickly to sensory perception

Analytical ability: Ability to evaluate and respond accurately to strategic situations

The Heaviest Sport in the World

Based on the group discussions and research mentioned earlier, the 10 toughest sports in the world are as follows:


Hokey ice




Self -defense



Basketball / basketball


There are actually over 10 sports measured by the team. There were 60 sports studied to be ranked based on calculations.

In your opinion, what sport is the hardest and why? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.
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