There is something strange about the data on the smartwatch, when it is PCR positive for COVID-19

 There are stories of COVID-19 survivors whose illnesses were revealed from data on smartwatch usage. One of them is wearing his smartwatch almost 24 hours so that he often monitors his body condition.

In Garmin's event 'The Benefits of Devices in a Pandemic Era', Wednesday (29/9/2021), Rian said that in May, he initially felt fine and had no symptoms. But he felt his body was not as fit as usual.

"But I know there's something strange in my body. I checked again, my oxygen pulse is fine, I don't have any feelings. Then I saw that my Body Battery was not recharging normally. It went up and down a bit irregularly, " the story.

Body Battery is one of the new features from Garmin to monitor a person's body condition. This is the result of a body monitoring algorithm ranging from heart rate, Sp02, stress levels (physical and emotional), to sleep hygiene or sleep quality. This feature is available for all Garmin watches.

Realizing something was strange, he immediately tried to do a COVID-19 test because at that time the number of cases in the world was high. And sure enough, he tested positive for COVID-19 after realizing the anomaly of his body condition.

"When I was positive, the pattern went up and down (body battery graph -- red) This triggered me to PCR, I started feeling something wrong with my body, I tested it and it turned out that the results from the body battery confirmed what I was feeling ," he said.

When he started to be healthy and improving, the graph on the battery body showed good results. The pattern has become more regular and he noticed that his body condition from the 24-hour monitoring of his smartwatch has improved.

"But Garmin is not a medical reference, this is only a benchmark. Smartwatches can recognize our own condition, can read ourselves while sleeping, resting, recovering, so the algorithm becomes better. I think it's important to know our own body. So when there are changes a little, we can be aware," said Rian.

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