Serious, Earth's Light is Dimming

 Earth has recently been reflecting less light due to worsening climate change. Or in other words, the Earth looks dimmer.

In this study, researchers measured earthshine or Earth rays, which is light that is reflected from Earth and illuminates the surface of the Moon as well as measurements from satellites. It is concluded that there has been a significant decline in Earth's ability to reflect light, in the last two decades.

Earth today reflects about half a watt less light per square meter than it did 20 years ago. This figure is equivalent to a 0.5% decrease in the Earth's ability to reflect light or the term albedo. In total, the Earth reflects about 30% of the incoming sunlight.

"This drop in albedo came as a surprise to us when we analyzed the data for the last three years after 17 years of flat albedo," said Phlip Goode of the New Jersey Institute of Technology who was involved in the study.

One of the causes is thought to be low clouds over the Pacific Ocean that have decreased in number in recent years. This cloud is one of the objects on Earth that reflects light from the Sun.

In this area, there is an increase in sea water temperature which may occur due to global warming. The higher the temperature, the less the number of clouds that reflect sunlight into space.

To note, clouds reflect about half of the sunlight that hits them. If this situation continues, in which light is trapped in the Earth's system, it is possible that the Earth's temperature will get warmer.

These scientists also hope that there will be further research or anticipatory steps. At first, they thought that a warmer Earth might increase its ability to reflect light and help anticipate global warming, but this research suggests otherwise.

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