Beware of Fraud on behalf of ShopeePay and how to report it


Beware of fraud in the name of ShopeePay! If you've ever been exposed to fraud involving ShopeePay, here's how to report it to the ShopeePay team for immediate action. Especially now that all online payments have become commonplace, so we as users also have an additional burden to prevent fraud.

"In addition, there are customer services that are on standby 24 hours. Shopee also has an anti-fraud team that conducts investigations if needed to reduce the losses suffered by victims.

ShopeePay warns to be aware of four types of fraud, from calling on behalf of ShopeePay and asking for an OTP or PIN code, suspicious chats or SMS, fake websites, to fake social media.

The following are safe tips using ShopeePay:

1. Background checking

Take advantage of apps like the Get Contact & TrueCaller app to find out which foreign numbers are calling. Don't be fooled by people claiming to be from the ShopeePay party or team.

2. Use a strong password and don't share it

Do not use consecutive numbers, the same number, or a number that is easy to guess such as the date of birth.

3. Change PIN and Password periodically

Don't forget to separate your ShopeePay PIN with your ShopeePay password.

4. Don't share OTP

5. Activate fingerprint and face recognition (accessible in the ShopeePay page settings.

How to report fraud on behalf of ShopeePay:

Victims can directly contact Shopee customer service and report the chronology. Later, victims will be assisted by a special ShopeePay team that focuses on reducing the number of fraud.

Of course, we will always recommend and direct consumers or merchants to a special team, namely the fraud team that investigates merchants or consumers.

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