Ironic, these are 4 bad effects of IQ tests that many people in the world take to measure intelligence!

 A person's intelligence often needs to be proven in order to make other people, especially those who don't know us, believe. One way is with an IQ test (intelligence quotient). Maybe, you yourself are already familiar with this one test, yes.

There are many types of IQ tests that are used to measure a person's intelligence. However, most only focus on numbers or test scores. In fact, the process, there are many factors that determine so that someone gets the results.

This has become pros and cons in society, so it needs to be considered again when evaluating the IQ test approach as an assessment tool from an intelligence perspective. Quoted from Very Well Mind, IQ tests have been controversial throughout history. The reason is that it can have a bad impact afterward.

What are the bad effects of IQ tests? Check out the following review.


The first cons of IQ tests is discrimination against certain groups. In this case, they are those who have IQ test results with low score ranges. If the results of this test are carried out in schools, it is feared that there will be superior and inferior camps in it.

It would be even worse if the school made this IQ test result to separate students based on test results with a certain range of scores. Instead of giving every student the same opportunity to study together, this creates a hostile atmosphere in the educational sphere.


IQ test results are often the validity of a person's intelligence. However, that is not always the case. In fact, not all experts agree on the standard definition of intelligence. Thus, not all IQ tests measure the same thing.


A reliable IQ test is said to have provided consistent or the same test results if the test was repeated. In fact, there are many factors that can affect IQ and changes in scores over time, such as nutrition, culture, environment, and health of participants.

Meanwhile, several studies have shown that high IQ scores are associated with good health, academic performance, and overall well-being.

So, it is important to remember that IQ tests are only one measure of intelligence. Furthermore, according to experts, social and emotional factors also contribute to intelligence, in fact, some experts suggest that social and emotional skills are more important than IQ in determining success in life.

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