Steve Jobs Used To Want The iPhone To Be Offered Without A SIM Card Slot


Apple is rumored to be coming up with an iPhone without a SIM-card slot-likely as early as this year, and making full use of eSIM. With this move, Apple will no longer need to include a dedicated slot for SIM-cards, and allows it to come with a slot-free design, as well as additional capacity on the interior space for other purposes.

Speaking of which, now sharing the story of the development of the first iPhone, Tony Fadell says Steve Jobs once set out to have the first iPhone come without any SIM card slot.

Back then, Steve Jobs looked at a CDMA -like offering offered by some telcos, which offered devices without the need for a SIM card to connect to a network.

Whatever it was, at the time, Tony Fadell said he used data from the market in convincing Steve Jobs to maintain the use of SIM-cards on the iPhone to offer a GSM network.

Since the introduction of the first iPhone, technology has evolved rapidly, and now various phones also come with e-SIM support in addition to SIM-cards.

However, moving forward further, it is seen that the device may switch to full e-SIM use-thus making the device not need any SIM-card and slot for it.

Could it be that we will see the iPhone become the first to introduce an iPhone without a SIM-card slot?

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