5 Parenting Mistakes That Can Create Trust Issues in Children


Not only the experience of being betrayed by other people or strangers, apparently trust issues or trust issues can actually come from the closest room, namely parents.

Yes, not infrequently the desire of parents to form a good attitude in children actually leads to such excruciating pressure. Improper parenting can risk disturbing children's emotions and ending in trust issues.

Before going too far, identify 5 mistakes parents make that cause trust issues in children.

Too Intrusive in Children's Personal Space

Excessive parental worry often leads to restraint which eventually leads to the habit of lying in children.

The inability of parents to respect the child's privacy space makes the child feel suspicious of something that is not necessarily wrong. The more restrained, the more difficult the bond of trust to emerge between the child and the parent.

scolding children in front of many people

With the intention of making a deterrent, some parents deliberately scold their children in front of the crowd. Not only shame, this habit also has the potential to make children feel insecure even with their own parents.

Launching from the Readers Digest page, the actions of parents embarrass their children in front of other people are the main cause of a crisis of trust due to emotional development that is not going well.

Making Unkept Promises

Making promises as motivation for children to achieve something feels natural to do. But it becomes wrong when parents are used to offering something, without any effort to make it happen.

Promises that are not fulfilled when the child has achieved what the parents expect become a threat that destroys trust. As a result, children feel unappreciated and find it difficult to trust their family or others.

Undermining Children's Choices

Differences of opinion often end with the habit of parents belittling their children's decisions. Instead of feeling directed, it can actually hurt the child's self-confidence.

Getting used to judging a child's opinion only from the parents' point of view will only make the child embarrassed and continue to question his or her self-worth due to the constant doubt of his own parents.

Involving Children in Debates

Each debate can leave its own trauma when witnessed directly by the child. Quoted from the Times of India page, parental quarrels risk leaving scars on the inner child that make the child doubt all the bonds in his life.

While parents are an image or example for children, therefore as much as possible do not involve children in a fight or they will lose the sense of love and affection from their own family.

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