Why Do We Hate Certain Artists or Political Figures?

 Why would someone hate a certain political figure or artist? It turns out that there is a scientific reason that can explain the feeling of dislike.

According to Jeffrey Brown professor at Green State University, every artist or character has values ​​and assumptions based on personal judgment. When we don't like that value, it's easy for us to hate that person.

However, Kaston Anderson-Carpenter, assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University, says that the characteristics that make us hate someone are derived from two characteristics: external and internal. External for example fame and wealth, while internal like a different personality.

"In our collective minds, we set certain (often unrealistic) expectations about how celebrities should behave," Anderson-Carpenter said.

"And when they don't live up to our expectations, we tend to judge them more harshly than we do non-celebrities who behave the same way."

In fact, artists and other figures are ordinary people. They are different because of the camera light, but after all the cameras are turned off, he is just like the rest of us. They are human too.

"Most of us don't know anything about celebrities as real people. Even when we know a lot about their personal lives, we don't know them as much as we know the people we actually meet."

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