The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) has now stated that it will provide an allocation of RM2.3 million to approximately 96,000 visitors to the Rahmah Ramadan Bazaar nationwide.
The funds will be distributed to Rahmah Ramadan Bazaar visitors, amounting to RM20 per person. These incentives will be distributed using digital wallets, through selected e-wallet service providers.
With this move, a total of 6000 Rahmah Ramadan Bazaar visitors in each state will enjoy the RM20 incentive.
Roughly speaking, the incentive will be given to the first 1000 visitors at the Ramadan Rahmah Bazaar selected through the edompet platform provider that works with the KPDN. This means, it will be implemented 6 times in each state.
Maybe we will hear more about redemption methods and so on tomorrow through the selected Rahmah Ramadan Bazaar.