Xiaomi has now announced that its new flagship device line, the Xiaomi 13 series, has been sold out since its launch on February 27. This was shared by Xiaomi Malaysia itself through its official social media account a while ago. In the entry, Xiaomi thanked loyal users for always providing support. At the same time, Xiaomi announced that the open sale for these devices will start on March 8 and there are interesting surprises in store for users later.
For information, there are two different variants of the device that have been announced under the Xiaomi 13 series during the day. It consists of the Xiaomi 13 which is sold at a price of RM3499 (12GB/256GB). Meanwhile, the Xiaomi 13 Pro is sold at a price of RM4599 for the 12/256GB model and RM5999 for the 12/512GB model.