What are you willing to do to save a dropped or lost phone? In Chhattisgarh, a state in Eastern India, Rajesh Vishwas, an administrator, emptied the water in a reservoir to save his Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra that fell while trying to take a selfie.
A total of 2.1 million liters of water were pumped out over two days to reduce the water level by two feet to make it easier to find the phone at the bottom of the pool after initial attempts to find it failed. The device was successfully recovered but suffered damage as the S23 Ultra was not designed to be submerged 10 feet for several days.
Rajesh Vishwas has now been suspended for his actions of wasting water that could be used for agricultural purposes. He pleaded not guilty for claiming that the reservoir water was used for picnicking instead of agriculture.
But the local government representative said he did not have the authority to order the water to be dumped and with the extreme heat in India right now the water could be used by local residents if needed.