Elon Plans To Charge For Users To Access X


Will Twitter/X die anytime soon. This is a very prudent question today after Elon Musk said that in the future Twitter/X users may have to pay to continue accessing this social media platform. This information was shared by Musk in a conversation session with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu late this morning.

It is not known if this means a new plan for X Premium (formerly Blue) will be introduced at a lower price than now. At this time X Premium also provides access to X Pro (formerly Tweetdeck) which angered many because it used to be free to use.

Since being acquired by Musk for $44 billion, X's value has more than halved. Advertising also decreased sharply because of Musk's various decisions that were seen as unreasonable, such as wanting to sue advertisers. He himself once said that X is still operating with negative cash flow.

This may be the reason why he wants to charge a fee to prevent the company from continuing to suffer losses. If it does it's likely that more users will move to Threads or other alternatives rather than pay a subscription to X.

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