Google Play Protect Now Scans Code of Sideloaded Apps For Security


Every day there will be cases of fraud victims losing hundreds of thousands of ringgit after installing the application as a sideload. This malicious application then steals the personal banking information of users who are unaware they have been duped. That's why sideloading the application is not recommended because the Google Play Protect security system cannot analyze the application's security more thoroughly.

Google has now announced that Google Play Protect can now scan code on sideloaded apps in real time. When an application wants to be installed, Play Protect will give you the option to do a scan process first. It will then look for signs it might be a malicious application in the code. If detected, application installation will be prevented. This feature is available to users in India first.

Previously Play Protect would only block the installation of apps it deemed dangerous using a list. With analysis at the code level in real time, Google says the security of Android users is now better protected.

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