Premium Android Tablets Now Display Chrome In Desktop Mode

No matter how expensive, how fancy and whatever specifications are packed into an Android tablet – it still won't be able to match the experience of using an iPad. This is because Android app support for large screen devices is not very user friendly. Although Android 13 and Android 14 solve this problem, device manufacturers have their own mission and vision that sometimes will not include the features that Google has offered.

Most recently, the premium Android tablet finally has the potential to become a fierce competitor to the iPad. This is because the Chrome web browser will open in desktop mode by default. This is the same thing Apple does with their Safari web browser on the iPad. This feature is limited to Android tablets with 8GB of RAM and a screen size of 10-inches and above only. Other specs should use desktop mode manually.

According to Google, with the Android tablet ecosystem becoming more powerful and using large screens – offering this desktop mode will provide a better user experience. Now all that's left is app support for friendlier and multi-tasking support that's as smooth as iPadOS.

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