Kickstarter Tests “Late Pledges” – Can Pre-Order Products After Pledge Ends

Kickstarter is one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms. Many successful products and brands still depend on this platform because it can finance the development of various products without using investors' money, but instead continues to receive money from users.

Most recently, Kickstarter has introduced a Late Pledges feature that allows people who did not have time to fund a product during the cost-same campaign to now continue to order the desired product. In other words. Late Pledges is like a space to pre-book more easily. Previously, if the cost was over, the user had to go to the product manufacturer's website because it was local and the payment on Kickstarter was closed.

Due to Late Pledges as well, Kickstarter can continue to thrive because each transaction they charge around 5%. The manufacturer can continue to get the number of users who want to pre-order the product and Kickstarter generates profit. For now, Late Pledges are limited to selected producers only.

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