Google NotebookLM Now Accessible To Malaysian Users – AI Assistant For Writing And Studying

Google has previously introduced NotebookLM on a limited basis in the United States, with a focus on being an artificial intelligence-based assistant for research and writing. After being offered on a limited basis, Google is now widely opening access to NotebookLM for users in 200 countries, including Malaysia.

This NotebookLM comes powered by Gemini 1.5 Pro, and aims to help users understand things quickly, while also writing about them faster. With Gemini 1.5 Pro integration, NotebookLM also offers multi-modal support, allowing you to query images, charts, infographics, and more. In addition, users can also include resources from Google Slides, Google Docs, and also web URLs to review in providing better study results through NotebookLM.

From our own brief tests, it appears that NotebookLM is very helpful in doing research by including resources such as PDFs or web links to cross-check when doing research and writing.

For those of you who are interested, you can test NotebookLM for yourself today, and use it in writing your research paper.

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