Google Drive Tightens Access Restriction Features to Shared Files

Google introduced a new feature that prevents access to files stored through Google Drive cloud storage. This feature provides tighter control over files shared by members of an organization.

Previously when a Folder was shared by an organization manager, its entire contents were accessible to users who had the link. Through a new feature, access restrictions can be set for sub-folders and even specific files within the original folder that were previously accessible to all.

This kind of control feature is felt to be useful enough to protect sensitive information or any information in files that are personal at the same time as it can reduce the risk of data leakage into the hands of irresponsible parties.

This feature is still in beta for testing purposes and is only available to Google Workspace users. The exact date of its launch has not yet been announced but it is expected that it will soon be launched to all users in the near future.

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