7 WhatsApp Web Tips You Must Know


The WhatsApp web makes it easy for users to access WhatsApp on a computer, as long as the phone stays connected to the internet. Its features are no less complete than the WhatsApp app on Android or iOS.
Just like the mobile version of WhatsApp, WhatsApp Web also has many tips and tricks as well as shortcuts to access the features available. These tips and tricks are guaranteed to make discussions using WhatsApp Web easier.

Here are seven WhatsApp Web tips and tricks that all users must know, as summarized from MakeUseof, Friday (11/6/2021).

1. Keyboard shortcuts

One of the facilities offered by using the service on a computer is a shortcut or a shortcut using the keys on the keyboard. Using WhatsApp Web is also easier and faster with this shortcut.

The following is a list of keyboard shortcuts you can use on the WhatsApp Web and their functions:

- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U: Mark as unread

- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M: Mute

- Ctrl + Alt + E: Chat archive

- Ctrl + Alt + Backspace: Delete chat

- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P: Pin chat

- Ctrl + Alt + / (forward slash): Search

- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F: Search chat

- Ctrl + Alt + N: New chat

- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N: New group

- Ctrl + Alt + P: Profile and About

- Ctrl + Alt +, (comma): Settings

2. Find emojis with the keyboard

Sending messages on WhatsApp is incomplete without emojis. But sometimes the process of finding an emoji that fits the conversation takes a long time.

Luckily there are WhatsApp Web tricks that you can use to find emojis more easily using the keyboard. To do this, in the dialog box type the colon symbol (:) followed by the name of the emoji you want to display.

For example, to find a crying emoji, just tap: crying or: crying in the dialog box and then click the emoji you want to add to the conversation.

3. Turn emoticons into emojis

There may be some people out there who are still happy to send emoticons instead of emojis. Fortunately the WhatsApp Web has a feature that can turn emoticons into emojis automatically.

With this feature, emoticons typed in the dialog box will be automatically converted to emojis. For example, emoticons

4. Use multiple WhatsApp accounts on one PC

Currently WhatsApp users on mobile phones can only access one account in one application. Although it is not uncommon for WhatsApp users to run many accounts at once.

If you want to access two accounts at the same time on the WhatsApp Web, you cannot open two different tabs and then log in separately. To be able to access two different WhatsApp accounts on the Web, you must open incognito mode or another browser.

For example, you have opened a WhatsApp A account in Google Chrome. To open a WhatsApp B account, you just need to open incognito mode and login as usual.

But in incognito mode, you can only use WhatsApp Web for an hour before logging out automatically. Alternatively, you can open another browser, such as Firefox or Opera, and log in to your second WhatsApp account through that browser.

5. Read messages without blue check mark notification

WhatsApp users who want to open a message without getting caught must turn off read receipts first. But on the WhatsApp Web there is an easier way without having to turn off reading receipts.

If you are chatting with someone on the WhatsApp Web without showing a blue sign, do the following:

Open a chat on the WhatsApp Web

Open another program window, such as File Explorer, on your computer and resize it so that you can still see the WhatsApp Web in the background. Or you can also open these two apps side by side.

Click the new window and save the cursor there. This is an important step because the computer assumes you are opening another window.

When you receive a message on WhatsApp Web, you can still read the message as usual but the sender of the message will not see the blue mark. This way they only see a gray mark that means the message was received but not read.

6. Change the message format

Sometimes you need to change the format of the message to emphasize the content, for example by changing the text to be thicker or italic. In addition to the keyboard shortcuts above, WhatsApp Web also has shortcuts to change the text format, namely:

Bold: place an asterisk (*) on both sides of the text

Italic: place underscores (_) on both sides of the text

Strikethrough or striethrough: place a tilde (~) on both sides of the text

7. Send files by drag and drop

Sending an attached file via WhatsApp can be done by clicking the paper clip icon and then selecting the document. But it turns out there is an easier way just by drag and drop.

The trick is to open the folder where you want to send the file, then open the chat on the WhatsApp Web. After that, simply click and drag the file to be sent from the folder to the chat on WhatsApp Web. Easy isn't it?
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