Beware, Bitcoin Cs Often Gets Trapped Cyber Criminals


Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and its cohorts, are going viral and more and more companies are using them. Be careful, lack of protection can be a threat to data security.

As conveyed by this man who is familiar with Laksana's nickname, crypto currency traps are becoming more and more common because it is easier to attack them through existing loopholes. Even though the company has carried out military-quality encryption -- it can no longer be unencrypted by cyberattackers -- however, protection from cryptocurrencies must still be considered carefully.

"Crypto is mostly a payment medium, this can support cyber actions, why? Imagine bank transfers, right, we can quickly trace who transfers to whom, if crypto currency is without a trace and can be between countries as well," he explained, Thursday (2/2) 9/2021).

In connection with the phenomenon of conceding cryptocurrencies, Laksana explained that criminals usually use the ransomware mode. This should be a concern for the company because it is also increasingly common that people are starting to move to digital.

"Many people say that they have to move digitally, many have moved there but not along with the protection. For public services, the service attack is getting wider or the surface can be brutal," said Laksana.

"Imagine the US-Canada distance, this is so that there are no illegal immigrants, they have to install the fence as long as it is long. The consequences of crypto are not just antivirus, there are link attacks because of security gaps. So security must be strengthened," he said.

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