OpenAI Schedules Special Event Early Next Week – Said Not To Be A Search Engine Or GPT-5

OpenAI is currently scheduling a special announcement event at the beginning of next week, which is at 1 am, Tuesday 14 May 2024. No information related to what will be announced has been shared at this time.

However, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAi emphasizes that it is not a search engine or an update to the GPT-5 model. It is emphasized that a new offering will be introduced that may be of interest to many.

According to some previous speculations, OpenAI is said to be developing a search engine that will be integrated on ChatGPT to make it easier for users to get the latest information. In addition, according to some early reports, it is said that OpenAI is developing a voice-based virtual assistant that can identify objects and images - and interact better with humans.

With only a few days to go, let's all look forward to the surprises provided by OpenAI. For information, the event is scheduled a day earlier than the Google I/O event which is also expected to focus on artificial intelligence.

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