Google Drive Users Can Block Other Users, Here's How


Google Drive is a superior cloud -based storage service in many ways including the convenience for its users to store, sync, and edit files.
However, the real strength of the platform lies in its collaboration aspect, especially when using some of Google’s paid service offerings such as Workplace or G Suite Business.

But from this advantage, Google Drive’s sharing policy is quite liberal as there are no restrictions or second-level authentication to actually share anything with others.

So all the user has to do is enter a valid Gmail in the sharing user interface and the source will appear in the “Shared with me” section of the other user.

This allows for the entry of spam and abusive content. Even deleted content is still there and appears several times elsewhere. This is of course very annoying to users.

To that end, last May, Google announced a series of updates to improve users ’ability to deal with abuse and threats. One of its features is the ability to block other Google Drive users. Now, this feature has officially arrived.

This functionality can be used by all users, whether Google is paid or using a free personal account to block other Google Drive users.

To block another user, the user simply has to right -click on some unwanted content shared by that user. Then press the "block" option. There are the next three options:

1. Block other users from sharing content in the future. These controls can be useful controls, for example if another user has a history of sending spam or inappropriate content.

2. Delete all existing files and folders shared by other users. This is an easy way to get rid of all spam or crude content shared from specific users at one time.

3. Remove other people’s access to personal content, even if we have previously shared it with them.

The presence of this feature is considered pretty neat, although it should be noted that blocking a particular Google account in Drive may also eventually block it in other Google services.
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