Increased COVID scams, parents can implement it so that children can surf safely


Using the internet safely for children is something that parents need to pay attention to. Not to be outdone, during this epidemic, there was a lot of invalid information circulating.
 Internet usage during the COVID-19 pandemic increased. An increase in the duration of internet use in 2020, which is 11.6 hours a day for teenagers and 10 hours a day for adults.

The study was conducted on 2,933 adolescents and 4,734 adults aged 20-40 years. The increase in internet usage is due to many activities that must be done at home, such as work, teaching and learning process, and so on.

In addition to teenagers and adults, children are also one of the internet users. Children usually find various types of entertainment on the internet.

Even just for entertainment, it is possible for children to discover inappropriate content or invalid information. Therefore, the role of parents is very necessary for children to use the internet safely.

Reporting from the page, the following things can be done by parents to ensure that their children use the internet.

Communicate openly

Communicating openly means parents need to explain internet use to their children. In this case, parents can tell children how to interact in the virtual world.

Take advantage of protection features

Technological protection features are typically found on devices used to access the internet. Taking advantage of this feature can be done by arranging content that is appropriate for children to show.

Accompany children when accessing the internet

At this point, parents accompany their children when accessing the internet by providing education related to internet use. This can also be a form of parental supervision of children as they use the internet.

Teach children to behave well in cyberspace

The virtual world is another form of social life, where there are other users. For this reason, parents need to teach children to behave well while in the virtual world. Behavior like this can refer to everyday life in the real world.

Give children space to be creative and express themselves

Internet use in children often shows many negatives. To face this view, parents must provide space for recreation and self-expression for their children in using the internet. However, the parents still did not ignore his supervision.

Encourage children to report if they see or experience problems on the internet

The Internet is a source of information. However, the information there has not been proven true. For this reason, parents can ask their children to report if they see fake news on the internet.

In addition to vague information, children were also asked to report when experiencing problems on the internet.

These are some of the tasks for parents to make their children safer when using the internet. These tasks are certainly not difficult to perform.

When children get safety in using the internet, they will also get positive results from this activity.

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