Japanese masks can glow when exposed to COVID-19


Since the COVID-19 virus spread, masks have become a mandatory tool worn to avoid wider spread. As is known, the corona virus can be transmitted through droplets in the air such as when sneezing, coughing or talking.

So wearing a mask helps prevent the droplets from coming out of the mouth and nose and also prevents them from entering the mouth and nose if they come from someone else.

However, how can we know whether the mask is effective or not? Or, how do we know if we have been in contact with someone who may have the coronavirus? That would be hard to say.

Reporting from Ubergizmo, Thursday (20/1/2022) researchers at Kyoto University have developed a filter made of ostrich antibodies which when placed under UV light will glow if it indicates that it has been in contact with the coronavirus.

The scientists first injected the ostrich with a protein before extracting antibodies from the bird's egg yolk. They then bonded it to the filter in the mask using polylactic acid.

So what's the point of such a mask? According to lead researcher Yasuhiro Tsukamoto If a viral infection can be detected by fitting a mouth filter carrying ostrich antibodies in a 'disposable mask' that is used every day in the world, infected people without symptoms such as super-spreaders could be voluntarily treated at an early stage.

Tsukamoto said that he hopes the technique can be applied to other viruses as well, meaning that once this pandemic is over, it can still be used in the real world.

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