Tragic, British scientist killed by a stray bullet


Being comfortable in bed, this British scientist met the unfortunate fate. A stray bullet that penetrated the apartment wall hit his head and he died instantly.

News of the death of Dr Matthew Willson, an astrophysicist, caused a stir in England. He was visiting his girlfriend, Khaterina Shepard, in Atlanta, United States.

He had just arrived from England and was resting. Suddenly in the early hours of the morning, a bullet pierced the wall of his girlfriend's apartment and hit the scientist in the head. The boyfriend called an ambulance, but Willson's life could not be saved.

Police investigations have temporarily concluded the shooting was random action from a neighboring apartment. So far, no suspects have been arrested. "This incident appears to be a random act involving an indiscriminate individual shooting, resulting in the tragic death of scientist Dr Willson," the police said in a statement.

"He will be here for three months because we have had a long distance relationship. I picked him up at the airport, ate at his favorite restaurant, and the next day, he died," said Khaterina in a shaken tone.

This area is considered a safe area in Atlanta. The departure of Dr Wilson itself caused deep sorrow for his family and fellow academics, especially at his alma mater, the University of Exeter.

"Matthew Willson is a PhD alumnus at the University of Exeter and a member of our beloved astrophysics team," said a university spokesman.

"We have been notified of his tragic death in the United States and our hearts go out to his family, friends and colleagues. We offer assistance to colleagues on campus who wish to remember him," he added.

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