When will the Find N Foldable Screen be released on the market, Oppo?

Find N became one of the main stars in the Oppo INNO Day exhibition. So when will this folding screen phone be released on the market?

"In December we will release the Oppo Find N on the market"

It is not without reason that the release schedule in the country is far adrift in China. The first is the availability of the unit.

As is known, this folding screen phone sold out in Oppo's hometown. So it has to wait for a 'ration' for the world market.

Second, Oppo is waiting for application optimization so that users can maximize the use of the folding screen on the Find N.

Since it is currently only sold in China, the app there is already optimized. It took us some time to optimize the application with the Find N foldable screen so that it can be used more fully .

First, the Oppo Find N is made not just compact but pays attention to the ratio. So that the application can appear full on the screen without any area remaining.

Second, this phone has the best hinge and screen design available today.

There is barely any visible fold area on the Find N screen. Different from competitors that can be seen clearly.

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