What Makes Men Like Older Women?


As a lover of Korean dramas, aka drakor, you may already be familiar with the dramas Now, We Are Breaking Up or recently finished ones, such as Forecasting Love and Weather. When viewed from the romance, what do the two have in common?

BINGO! A young man who falls in love with a woman who is older than him or is often called a noona romance. This love story involving noonas and dongsaengs (a term for younger brothers or sisters in Korean), often makes people curious, what made them fall in love with noonas?

In fact, not only in Korean dramas, in real life you may often find men who are in love with older women. Hmm... what do you think makes them attracted to women who are above them? Reporting from Regain, here are some reasons.

Tend to be Wise About Life

Usually, the older a person gets, the mindset and how they view life will be different. They also tend to be wiser because they have experienced various kinds of experiences in their lives so as to shape them into wiser individuals.

This is what makes younger men attracted to noonas. Moreover, some young men are passionate about learning more about life. So, dating an older woman is the right choice.

More Independent and Confident

Some women who are younger, may always want to be pampered by their partner. This is certainly different with older women. They are usually more independent so they don't need to depend on anyone, including their partners.

Older women are also usually more confident in everything that is in themselves, both beauty and abilities. They don't need validation from the people around them about who they really are. With this strong character, men of all ages are attracted to them.

Far from Drama

Although not all of them are like that, but dating some younger women, sometimes often creates drama. Over time, a relationship like this will make a man feel tired, even sick of having this drama-filled relationship.

This is also the reason why men are more interested in relationships with older women. Because, emotionally, they tend to be more stable so that it can be ascertained that a romantic relationship is far from drama.

Financially Steady

Not only women, men also want to have a partner to be proud of. Whether it's in terms of profession, education, or wealth. Eits! Not that the man is matre, yes.

They just want to know whether the woman they love has a high degree of independence in life or not. If so, this is certainly one of the reasons why they fall in love with older women.

That's the reason why men prefer older women or noonas. Do you have a friend who is in a relationship with a younger man? Or are you doing it yourself?

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