Lockheed Martin Shares How The Darkstar Plane For Top Gun Maverick Was Produced


The real stars of the Top Gun Maverick movie are the F-18, F-14 and SU-57 instead of Tom Cruise. Sorry Tom but here’s the fact because if you were replaced with Steve Buscemi though this movie would explode on stage with a collection reaching $ 1 billion. Among the other planes featured in this blockbuster movie is the Darkstar which actually doesn’t exist.

Lockheed Martin shared how they teamed up with filmmakers to produce a fantasy aircraft capable of flying at Mach 10 speeds. Although just a concept and fantasy, it still uses existing technology. Lockheed Skunk Works ’expertise since 1943 building secret and experimental aircraft for the United States is fully utilized.

The Darkstar, for example, uses the SR-72 scramjet concept with an engine configuration similar to the world's fastest SR-71 Blackbird. The Darkstar cockpit, which has no windshield replaced with a full LCD screen, was borrowed from a Lockheed X-59 QueSST aircraft that is being built to restore supersonic passenger aircraft.

It’s interesting to see Lockheed Martin use their expertise to produce fictional aircraft that are still grounded in real earth.

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