Spotify Uses AI To Generate Playlists

 The use of AI is becoming more and more widespread as well as being able to make a machine capable of behaving like a human. Two months ago Spotify developed an AI-based feature to generate a playlist with specific promos. Recently a number of users are reported to have been able to use the feature.

Citing resources can be accessed through the Your Library tab by pressing the (+) button on the top right to create a new list. Shortly after that a pop-up appears with a new AI Playlist option, which can then be used to type prom to request suggestions from the app for a unique playlist.

For example, like playing sad or fun music. As an option, you can also use the list options that have been prepared. Once finished making selections it takes a few seconds to generate the desired playlist.

It's still unclear about its availability, but Spotify also confirmed that the ability is still in a small test stage as of now.

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