For the First Time, Satellites Can Communicate in Real Time


For the first time, programmable satellites return to space. Is Eutelsat Quantum, a commercial communications satellite flying from French Guiana, Friday (30/7).
Quantum launches the Ariane 5 rocket. The successful launch of the satellite opens the door to a new era of more flexible communications.

Unlike conventional mode satellite types that are designed and programmed from Earth. Meanwhile, Quantum is more sophisticated and flexible because it can adapt in real time, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

Orbiting above an altitude of 35,000 km from the Earth's surface, Quantum can be destroyed from land. This advantage will allow Quantum to respond to data transmission and communication demands throughout its 15 -year lifespan.

Quantum weighs 3.5 tons and has eight communication beams, each of which can be changed to change its coverage area as well as the strength of the signal it emits.

It states that Quantum uses software available to customers, these changes are allegedly made within minutes.

With this Quantum satellite flexibility, it is possible to provide access to moving objects, such as airplanes, ships, natural disaster areas, or cover areas only once.

For now, the Quantum satellite will cover areas from west Africa to the Asian region.
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