Small Channels... YouTube Is LOWERING Monetization Requirements!


For aspiring content creators on YouTube, the road to monetization has often been a challenging one. The platform's previous requirements for monetization left many smaller channels struggling to reach the milestones necessary to earn revenue from their hard work and dedication. However, in a recent development, YouTube has made a significant change by lowering its monetization requirements, offering renewed hope and opportunities for small channels. This blog post explores this exciting update, its potential impact on the YouTube community, and what it means for aspiring content creators.

The Old Requirements:

Up until now, YouTube required channels to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months to be eligible for monetization. These benchmarks served as a way to ensure that channels had established a certain level of engagement and consistency before they could earn money through advertisements and other monetization features. While these requirements aimed to maintain quality standards and discourage spammy or low-effort content, they also posed significant challenges for smaller channels with limited resources and reach.

The New Monetization Requirements:

YouTube's decision to lower the monetization requirements is a game-changer for small channels. As of the recent update, channels will now only need 500 subscribers and 1,000 watch hours within the past 12 months to qualify for monetization. This reduction in thresholds is a clear signal that YouTube recognizes the potential of smaller creators and wants to provide them with more opportunities to grow and succeed on the platform.

Impact on Small Channels:

The impact of this change cannot be overstated. For countless creators who were just shy of the previous requirements, this alteration presents a chance to finally monetize their content and potentially turn their passion into a sustainable career. The lowered barriers also open doors for diverse voices and niche content creators who may not have had the same visibility or resources as established channels. With the potential for increased revenue, small channels can reinvest in their content, equipment, and overall production quality, thus enhancing the viewing experience for their audience.

Encouraging Innovation and Creativity:

YouTube's decision to lower the monetization requirements not only benefits individual creators but also fosters innovation and creativity across the platform. With a broader range of monetized channels, viewers will have access to a more diverse selection of content. This, in turn, will encourage creators to explore unique ideas, experiment with different formats, and push the boundaries of their creativity. As smaller channels gain the ability to earn revenue, we may witness a surge in fresh perspectives, undiscovered talent, and captivating storytelling.

Challenges and Considerations:

While this update is undoubtedly a positive step, it is important to recognize that challenges may still lie ahead for small channels. Monetization is just one piece of the puzzle; creators must also continue to focus on building an engaged audience, improving content quality, and maintaining consistency. It's essential to remember that success on YouTube is a combination of various factors, and the lowered requirements are merely the initial step toward a sustainable career as a content creator.


YouTube's decision to lower the monetization requirements is a significant development that holds immense promise for small channels. By reducing the subscriber and watch hour thresholds, YouTube has opened up new avenues for aspiring creators to earn revenue and reach a wider audience. This change is a testament to the platform's commitment to fostering creativity and inclusivity within its community. Aspiring content creators should seize this opportunity, while also recognizing the importance of building quality content and nurturing their audience. With determination, dedication, and a little bit of luck, the lowered monetization requirements could be the first step towards a thriving YouTube career for small channels around the world.

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