Telegram Stories Can Now Be Reposted By Everyone


Telegram now offers several new updates in an effort to provide a more efficient experience for users. For example, the ability to repost Stories from other user accounts to their respective pages.

In addition, users can also create additional content such as text, audio or video messages on the Stories before sharing. It's also easy to use by just tapping on the share arrow and selecting "Repost Stories" for further. But it is important to note that only Stories set to "Everyone" privacy can be reposted.

Next, video messages can also be used to comment on Stories. This allows users to create and share a variety of opinions and comments that are more creative than just typing text.

Also be informed that the video recording can be changed in size and position around the screen. How to access it is easy by just tapping and holding on the camera icon on the Stories page, then the audio volume control can be controlled by holding on the dedicated button below the screen.

Furthermore, Telegram also offers a voice message transcription feature for free accounts, adding emojis with specific reactions to channels and a list of statistics for channels. In addition premium users can also choose the color for the name, sent link and reply for their messages. Also given to premium users is the ability to set the same background image for one's own account and the current chat partner.

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